Superconducting thin
films for SRF applications
A competitive award for "Investigation of Proof-Of-Principle
Test Samples of Thin Multi-Layer Superconductor/Insulator Systems capable of
Sustaining Large Field Gradients" has been awarded to Professor R. A.
Lukaszew (VMEC Assoc. Professor at the Applied Science and Physics
Departments), as a result of Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)
HDTRA1-08-10-BRCWMD-BAA, Research and Development Enterprise, Basic and Applied
Sciences Directorate, Basic Research for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction
(C-WMD). The full project will span five years (2010-2015) and will be fully
funded with $1,050,000 already committed for the first 3 years, with delivery
dates 4/15/2010-13, and provision for two supplementary years at $350,000 level
per year with delivery dates 4/14/2013-14 and 4/14/2014-15, with a grand total
of $1,750,000. This project complements an existing
DOE funded project for SRF-TF research (2009-2012) where W&M (led by
Lukaszew) and JLab investigate thin films useful for SRF cavities used in
research accelerators.
The broader
impact of the proposed research relates to compact high-energy linear
accelerators (linacs), which are fundamental for the production of
sources for nuclear material security applications. A key component of any linac
is the electromagnetic cavity resonating at a microwave frequency imparting
energy gain to the charged particle. Due to the advantages of superconducting
materials, superconducting cavities are one of the most successful applications
of Superconducting-Radio-Frequency (SRF) technology.
In recent
years, SRF cavity performance has approached the theoretical limit for bulk
niobium (Nb), therefore new research efforts must concentrate on alternative
materials and fundamental work is needed to understand the actual correlation
between detailed material characteristics and the consequent SRF performance.
Nb has been the material of choice so far, yielding a maximum accelerating gradient of less than 50 MV/m and
therefore significant material development is required to attain the desired
performance of >100 MV/m needed for compact accelerators useful in Defense
applications. To maximize accelerating gradients, a high thermodynamic critical
field and a high lower critical field are necessary. An interesting alternative has been theorized using a
Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor (SIS) multilayer approach. The key
aspect of this approach is the recognition that vortex entry is inhibited if
the surface layer thickness of the superconductor is less than the penetration
depth. More promising superconductor materials than Nb, such as Niobium nitride
(NbN), will be investigated in this novel SIS scheme.
Thus, a team of researchers from Applied Science and Physics
Departments at W&M (Lukaszew, PI) in collaboration with scientists
at Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jlab) with strong and
complementary expertise on thin film growth and materials for RF cavities will
investigate multilayer coatings possibly leading to gradients >100 MV/m that
are of interest for compact accelerators capable of Sensing Fissile Materials
at Long Range.