funding (Federal, state and other agencies)
• 8/15/2012 to 08/14/2016. DOE. New Photocathode materials for
Electron-ion-colliders. PI: R. A. Lukaszew.
Grant amount: $320,000.00
• DTRA- Proposal Number
BRBAA08-Per3-B-2-0032: Development of proof of concept of SRF cavity thin film
coatings capable of sustaining large field gradients. (2010-2016). Funded at $350,000/year for
three years with provision for two additional years at same level. PI: Lukaszew. Total grant amount: $1,750,000.00
Note: This award received significant attention from the media:
Investigation of New Superconducting Materials for the Next Generation High-
RF cavities for particle accelerators.
Award: DE-SC0010081. Lead Institution: ODU. W&M;
(5/1/2013-4/30/2016). PI: Lukaszew. Sub-award amount: $214,000.00
• 08/10/2010-08/09/2015. NSF-DMR Plasmon Resonances and Metal Insulator Transitions in
Highly Correlated Thin Film Systems. Agency: NSF. PI: Lukaszew. Co-PI: I. Novikova.
Grant amount: $390,000.00
• NRI-VMEC. 10/15/2010-10/14/2012. Phase
Transition switches based on the electrically induced Metal-Semiconductor
Transition in VO2. (Subcontract) PI: Lukaszew.
W&M share: $200,000.00. Total grant amount: $1,700,000.00
Note: This award has received significant
attention from the media:
• TJNACF-FEL, SSRL program. 9/01/2011-
5/31/2012. FEL internship. Total grant amount: $21,777.00
• TJNACF, Engineer support. 8/1/2007-4/30/2013.
Total grant amount: $140.000.00
• DARPA-Grandis. 04/13/2010-12/31/2012.
Phase 1 and 2: STT-MRAM. Agency: DARPA (Grandis). PI:
Lukaszew. Grant amount: $120,000.00
• 9-1-2009/8-31-2016. DOE (DE-PS02-09ER09-05).
SRF-Thin Films- (Subcontract) PI: R. A. Lukaszew “Development
and Characterization of Thin Film SRF Surfaces for Accelerator Cavities”.
W&M amount: $461,000. Total grant amount: $1,500,000.00
• 6-1-2006/5-31-2010. NSF-DMR (Grant # 0605661). PI: Lukaszew. Co-PI A. Reilley.
Title: Collaborative Research: Ultrafast Laser Study and Modification of
Anisotropy in Ferromagnetic Thin Films. Grant amount: $ 399,000.00.
• VMEC Scholars program (2008-15). PI: Lukaszew.
Grant amount: $ 135,150.00.
• NIA-Faculty fellowship at NASA-Langley (2008). PI: Lukaszew. Title: Magneto-plasmonic
sensors. Grant amount: $18,000.
• 12/2006-8/2008. DOD-DARPA. Co-PI: Lukaszew. Title: "Novel sensors for chemical and
biodefense". Grant amount: $998,000.00
• 6-1-2004/5-31-2008. NSF-DMR (Grant # 0355171). PI: Lukaszew. Title: “Highly anisotropic nano-magnets”.
Grant amount: $130,184.00. UT Contribution: 85,792.00. Total amount: $
• 9-01-04/ 8-31-2009. Petroleum Research Fund, ACS grant. PI: Lukaszew. Title:
“Magnetic nanostructures”. Grant amount: $80,000.00. UT contribution:
$80,646.00. Total amount: $161,000.00
• 5-01-05/8-31-2009. Summer Fellowship Addition to Petroleum
Research Fund, ACS grant. PI: Lukaszew.
Title “Magnetic nanostructures”. Grant amount: $24,000.00
• 6-1-2004/5-31-09-Research Corporation-Cottrell Scholar. PI: Lukaszew. Title: “Investigating the structural and magnetic
properties of nano-magnets”. Grant amount: $
75,000.00. UT Contribution: $91,465.00. Total amount: $166,500.00
• 4-1-2004/31-3-2007. NSF -REU-site: “Research Experience for
Undergraduates”. (Grant # 0353899). Co-PI: Lukaszew.
Grant amount: $210,000.00. UT contribution: $76,808.00. Total amount: $287,000.00
• 5-1-2004/30-6-2004. American Association for the Advancement of
the Science, WISC program. PI: Lukaszew. Title:
“Magneto-transport studies on chemically ordered alloys”. Amount: $4,000.00
• 7-1-2003/12-31-2004. DOE subcontract (PI at UT: Lukaszew. Wayne State University: primary
institution for DOE grant, PI at WSU: Cormier) “Alternative use of photonic
crystals to allow low loss of visible light”. Grant amount: $40,000.00.
UT Contribution: $ 20,804.00. Total amount: $61,000.00
• 5-15-2003/8-15-03-University of Michigan-NSF-FOCUS fellowship.
Title: “Ultrafast MOKE studies on magnetic thin films”. PI: Lukaszew.
Amount: $17,000.00
• 7-1-2002/8-31-2002. Michigan State
University-NSF-CFMR Academic Affiliates Program. Lukaszew visiting scholar.
Amount: $4,500.00
Intramural competitive funding
(University of Toledo)
* OBOR-URAF 2001. “Magneto-optical Measurements on Crystalline Magnetic Thin Films”. PI: Lukaszew, no Co-PI. Amount:
$10.000.00. The outcome of this project was presented at the MRS Fall 2002
Symposium with participation of the undergraduate student B. NcNaughton
* OBOR-URAF 2002. “UHV- STM Instrument”. PI: Lukaszew,
no Co-PI. Amount: $ 9,775.00. The outcome of this project was presented
at the Dec. 2003 Sigma-Xi Undergraduate Research Symposium, Los Angeles, CA,
with participation of the undergraduate student N. Sperling.
* Kohler Junior travel grant
(2002, 2004). PI: Lukaszew, no Co-PI. Amount:
* College of Arts and Science
Individual Faculty Development grants (2002 and 2003). Amount: $1,000.00
* Center of Teaching and
Learning grant (2003). PI: Lukaszew. Amount: $300.00
* UT Academic Excellence
Awards (2002, “Physics Summer Camp”, PI: Lukaszew, CoPI:
Theodosiou, and 2003 “Saturday Morning Physics”, PI: Lukaszew, Co-PI: Curtis) Amount:
Beam-time proposals
Competitive proposals that
resulted in beam time allocation at:
* FEL at Thomal
Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (2012). PI: Lukaszew
* Center for Functional Nano-materials, Brookhaven National Laboratory (2011). PI: Lukaszew, Co-PI: C. Clavero
* Center for nanoscale
materials, Argonne National Laboratory (2009-10). PI: Lukaszew,
Co-PI: M. Bode
* MHATT-Sector 6 and 7 at the
Advanced Photon Source (APS), Argonne National Laboratory (2007-2008). PI:
Lukaszew. Co-PI: D. Walko
* MHATT-Sector 6 and 7 at the
Advanced Photon Source (APS), Argonne National Laboratory (2003-2007). PI:
Lukaszew, Co-Pi-s: Clarke, Cebollada,
Dufresne, Walko/PI: Lukaszew, Co-PI: Haske
* POSY1 at the Intense Pulsed
Neutron Source (IPNS), Argonne National Laboratory (2004). PI: Lukaszew.
* NSLS-BNL Beam-line X13A:
Soft X-Rays Magnetic Circular Dichroism
(2004-2007). PI: Lukaszew
* LANSCE-LNL Asterix Beam line for polarized neutrons reflectometry.
(2005). PI: Lukaszew
* TEM instrument time at the
Center for Microanalysis of Materials, University of Illinois
(2004-2005) PI: Lukaszew
* UHV thin film deposition
equipment and optical instruments from FORD and GM Research Laboratories (2007).
* Perkin Elmer UHV
MBE/Sputter deposition system from FORD (2007). This system was upgraded with
in-situ RHEED and RGA.
* UHV (Veeco)
sputter deposition system from GM (2007).
* XRD (Siemens) Unit from GM
(2007). This instrument was modified to do angle resolved surface plasmon resonance measurements.
* Magnetic Susceptibility
Instrument (George Associates) from FORD (2001).
* Surface Science Instrument
(Leybold) from GM (2001).
* Miscellaneous microscopes
and e-gun from GM (2005).